Forum Discussion

GregFaust's avatar
Community Member
10 years ago

Show and hide seekbar in a slide: Is it possible?

On a single slide, I have:

  • Layers that ask the learner to read and/or interact, then click a button to move to another part of the slide (no seekbar needed).
  • Layers that present audio, appearing/disappearing objects, and other stuff typical of a lecture slide (seekbar needed).

The question is, is it possible to hide the seekbar while some layers are showing, and to show the seekbar while other layers are showing?

My tests so far make me think the answer might be "no" in Storyline 2, but I wanted to field the question to the community.

  • Ellen: I am not sure what you are trying to achieve, but on base layer you can simply switch it off from setting icon. Having the seekbar ON on base layer and not on sub layer was bit of a challenge.

    If you tell how you make it off on sub layer, having it ON on base layer, would be great!

    • EllenCarnahan's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you Manpreet! I do routinely use that "Options" feature. The trouble here is that we have audio on one of the layers, and would like to have a seekbar on only that layer.

      Because the base layer option is the master switch, it's a blunt tool and turns off all layer seekbar options as well. 

      I tried turning off the base layer and using "show" on the layer, but that didn't work either :)

  • JenniferJack's avatar
    Community Member

    Hello! I cannot get this code to work either. Has anyone figured it out? Thanks.

    • TomKuhlmann's avatar

      JenniferJack this post is ten years old and a lot has changed with the tools. I'd jump to the JavaScript group and repost the question and you'll get up-to-date help. You can join the group via this link.