Forum Discussion

LukaszOsiecimsk's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Side by side comparison of two quiz results

Hi, I need to build a solution which works as follows:
1. User answers 15 questions (placed on one slide - probably scrollbar will be needed) by selecting 1 of 4 options [none is wrong or correct (example: Q1. Having a dog is: a. Essential b. Important c. Low Importance d. Not important)]
2. After that User takes several screens of training.
3. User takes the same 15 questions as previously.
4. On the next screen user sees side by side comparison of the results from 1st and 2nd quiz.
5. LMS manager can generate report and see both results of quiz 1 and 2 of particular user.

My questions are:
1. can you help me build that solution in Articulate Storyline 360
2. is that kind of reporting possible?

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