Forum Discussion

GuilhermeTeixei's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Survey Results - Results slide and email

Description / Context: 

Since some LMSs out there do not offer LRS, it would be good to have the ability to submit survey results via email. 

The idea is that Storyline would have this as a new variable/functionality ready to use: learner would answer a training reaction survey (which could have likert scales, numbers, "agree - disagree" statements, and even text entries), than this variable would store the answers and allow the results to be sent via email, as an attached file or even in the email itself.

This functionality should allow the instructional designer to set the survey to be anonymous or not (optional setting). 

It should also allow for a final slide showing the results of the survey entered by the leaner, indicating if the survey is anonymous or not, the answers the learner provided and then with the "submit" option.

Major gains:

This would bypass the lack of LRS, allowing the L&D professional to embed surveys in the training and making them necessary, allowing for 100% survey completion amongst the learners who completed the training. 

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