Forum Discussion

MikeyNewboult's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

SkillCast LMS and Storyline 360

Has anyone in the Community dealt with the SkillCast LMS platform? I've made a course for one of my clients and it works fine on the SCORMCloud. However, when it's uploaded to the SkillCast LMS, it develops two issues:

1. It always opens the course in a pop-up window. I've unchecked the new window setting in the Storyline player but it' still opening in a pop-up.

2. Progress through the course gets 'forgotten'. If a learner leaves part way through the course, when they return, they can continue where they left off. If they finish the course and return to it, all progress is 'forgotten' and the slides in the menu are locked, making the learner have to work through the course from scratch.

SkillCast have been very unforthcoming with their advice!

Any help gratefully received. Thanks.