Forum Discussion
SL360 content running in latest Firefox browser shows several JavaScript errors and not in other browsers
Version 15: 3.15.26825.0. Screenshot attached. You might have to enlarge it.
sample errors: downloadable font: kern: nTables is zero
downloadable font: Table discarded (font-family: "Articulate Charset1_ 6k152C0AF5"
Uncaught TypeError: i is not a function
the errors with the fonts are 'normal' with firefox 103/104/105/... - i have them too, they don't seem to have any effect on the playback so far
your 'i' problem seems to be the same like the known 'n' problem (3 x warning "An AudioContext was prevented from starting automatically", then the error)
your error message (published with storyline ???)
the known error message (published with storyline 3.65)
you can check the published version, open story.html in an editor (notepad)
the only solution so far is a new publish with the current storyline version (3.66 or 3.67)