Forum Discussion

MathNotermans-9's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Slide Transition

So im building a project in which i have transitions. Clicking next...the transition pushes the next slide down...revealing the next page... nice... but when you click previous the transition cannot be changed to up... as that is not an option.

Searching in the storyline files i do find a entry in the javascripts stating: 'pushdirection: down' and when changing the transition Effects option in Storyline to 'From Top' this value changes to 'pushdirection: down'

I probably can make it work that i use a variable here. So i can decide myself when i want the transitions to go down or up. But i really would like it if Articulate made these Effects options linked to variables so users get that option easier.

  • Hi, Math.

    Thank you for reaching out!

    We have a feature request logged to add support for transitions when viewing a previous slide.

    I've added this discussion to the report, and we'll come back to update you if I have any news to share or if this request makes it to our feature roadmap. You're also welcome to share more details of your other suggestion (access to the variables linked to the effects) through a separate request. 

  • Hi Math, I have requested this too along with a few others. Let's hope we get to see it ๐Ÿ˜€

    Maria, it would be great to see this functionality added. 

    Many thanks. 

  • I envision this feature as a simple "PREV Reverses Transition Direction" button that turns the option on or off...

  • JH24's avatar
    Community Member

    This is still lacking in Dec 2024. I would say this makes this transition unusable as it will confuse the learner - giving the impression that the slide has moved on instead of back.