Forum Discussion

SarahChapman-7d's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Slider interaction with show/hide layers on timeline start not working

I have a simple interaction that I've designed using a slider (on the base layer). I have layers that I would like to show/hide based on the value of the slider. The first thing on each layer are triggers to show/hide other layers based on the start of the timeline.

When Slider1 moves: show slide layer1

on layer1: when timelines starts hide layer2

Only it's not working. If I have 6 positions on my slider one for each layer, when I get to layer1, I'd like to hide all of the other layers except the one I have jumped to (think build the timeline when slider value increases; deconstruct timeline when slider value decreases). Any ideas why my triggers are not working? Also, I have 1 trigger on the start of each layer that does work on the build, but not on the deconstruct.

  • Hi Sarah, 

    Thanks for reaching out! It would be really helpful if we could see your project file so we can see how your setup your triggers and slides. 

    Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case for testing? We'll delete it when we're done testing!

  • Needed to remove branding...  I'm running Windows 11 and just updated to 3.75.30269.0, but I did that when it didn't work in 3.74.30180.0. I was able to do a workaround, but this didn't work as-is.

  • Hi Sarah!

    Thanks for sharing your file! I was able to achieve the slider functionality you were after by adding in some extra 'Hide Layer' triggers. These added triggers hide the layers/sections of the pipeline as you move the slider back from right to left.

    I've recorded a Peek to walk you through the process and attached a revised copy of your .story file with all of the layers built in.

    Please let me know if you have any more questions!


    • SarahChapman-7d's avatar
      Community Member

      I tried several variations, eventually; I just did it all from the base layer with the slider. But, I will watch this peek for the future!Sarah

    • SarahChapman-7d's avatar
      Community Member

      HA! I watched the peek, that's exactly what I wound up doing. Is it not possible to use the show/hide layers on each layer to do this? Just curious?

  • Yes, it is possible. See the attached sample.

    One thing I found on the original is that if the learner doesn't pause after each step change, or moves too fast, it is possible to skip some steps. That and a lot fewer triggers are why I prefer this method.