Forum Discussion
Story View print out?
Hey all, short of taking a bunch of screen shots and compositing them together, is there a way to print out the Story View? I'm a visual kinda guy (years in advertising will do that to a person) and want to make sure all the connections in my project are where they need to be.
Thanks in advance for the continued awesomeness!
- TashWagner-eae9Community Member
Is there any update on this yet?
Hi there, Tash. Thanks for checking in. We are still tracking this request, but there aren't immediate plans for including a feature to print your Story View.
- LarsBergerCommunity Member
So - re-activated thread two month ago... :-)
Anything we can do to get this implemented? Would be so nice to be able to support development workflow. Maybe something to put into the review functionality from review 360.
Looking forward to something in that way! Kind regards
Hi, Lars. Thanks for adding your voice!
I'm going to share your thoughts with our team so they're aware that such a feature would help your workflow. This discussion is tagged to the request's report so if there's any forward movement, everyone here will get an email notification. 🌟
- DiannaVerlaan-8Community Member
I am just reading that I am not the only one looking to print the story view. Yes, would be a great feature to have!
- ELOUPEICommunity Member
Agreed. This would be a very useful option.
- RichardKielbCommunity Member
This would be a very useful improvement.
Thanks for adding your voice, folks! If we add this feature in the future, you'll be among the first to hear the news.
- DearneWilling-eCommunity Member
Is there any update to this feature?
The ability to be able to print Story View/export or Publish Story View to Review would be fantastic! Currently, I am recreating story view in PPT or printing to Word and re-arranging, which again, makes more work and is time-consuming. Being able to send the Story View to Review would be a fantastic way to receive stakeholder feedback and assist with planning. I have seen this feature has had many requests, would be great to see this feature implemented in the next update :)
I do not have an update at this time, Dearne.
I wanted to share some information about how we manage these feature requests as that may be helpful.
I do appreciate you sharing the details of why and how this would be helpful for you. I've added this to the report :)
- IngridCarrer612Community Member
This would help me get a SME to review it. We have a complex process and this would ensure we have it right! Please let us know if you have an update!