Forum Discussion

RobertBrown-3cc's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Storyline 360 Blocks in Rise 360 Not Working with Mobile Preview


I've been using Storyline 360 blocks in our Rise 360 content, and it's been a great addition! I've tried to test out the preview on desktop, tablet, and mobile but the Storyline 360 block does not work on the mobile preview. When I access the Storyline 360 block via mobile preview, there is a black screen with a play button but when I click the play button, nothing happens. Is this simply an issue with the preview button or are Storyline 360 blocks not compatible with mobile devices?

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Beth, 

      Good call on opening a support case. I can see that my colleague Mick was able to shed some light on the behavior that you were experiencing. Please feel free to respond to the support case thread in case you have any further questions or concerns!

  • I'm getting this problem as well, looking forward to it beeing solved.

    I've inserted a Storuline block into Rise and shared it with a link. If i review it in desktop mode it works as expected. But if I use my browser dev tools to view it on mobile size and reload the page, the Storyline block doesn't pre-load but instead need activation by clicking on it, and then it seems to open up in a seperate layer from the rest of the course. 

    If i load the lesson on desktop and scroll down to the Storyline block before switching to mobile view, then it works just fine.

    • Crystal-Horn's avatar

      Hi there, André,

      Storyline blocks will not reliably auto-play in mobile browsers. To view the interaction on a mobile browser, learners will need to click the play button.

      Storyline blocks will also open in an overlay within a Rise 360 lesson on mobile devices. Since Storyline 360 slides are not fully responsive, meaning the content doesn't reflow to fit the screen, Rise 360 will push the Storyline block to the front of your mobile screen to take advantage of as much screen space as possible. The Storyline interaction may appear too small and almost unusable if it stays inline with the rest of the Rise 360 content on smaller screens.

      • AndrNystrm-eaa5's avatar
        Community Member

        Thanks for your reply! And thanks for explaining the reasoing behind it functioning like this.

        From my pont of view, building courses for mobile-first, I want to use Storyline blocks for custom interactions and design them knowing the content wont reflow. I think the current solution is a bit counter-intuitive from an end-user point of view, and kind of ruin the experience of the seamless integration between Rise and Storyline.

        Would it be possible to add a setting to the Storyline block in Rise where one could choose whether it should open inline or in an overlay on mobile? 

        Certainly on top of my wish-list. Otherwise, great product! 

  • I was about to post the same issue about storyline not working in mobile mode but it turned out to just be an issue with preview with the desktops 'mobile view' not being able to play the storyline. When I previewed it on an actual phone it was playable! 

    It would be nice if the storyline could also go full screen mode like when the videos get played (as storyline plays with the browser navigation bar still showing, while video doesn't,  but unsure if that is an iOS recognition side of it that is out of articulates control). 

  • HPLife's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi, having similar issues with storyline blocks in Rise on mobile. Once a storyline block has been selected you can still scroll content over the top of the storyline block and you can select continue. Then the storyline block remains open in the background.

    • Hello HP Life,

      Sorry to hear that you ran into this snag.

      The behavior could be caused by your current hosting platform or the Storyline 360 project embedded in your course.

      Can you see this behavior when you publish your Rise 360 course to Review 360? If yes, please share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case so we can check what's causing the block to cause issues with scrolling. We'll delete it when we're done testing!

      If the behavior can't be replicated in Review 360, test your course in SCORM Cloud to verify if the issue is LMS-specific. If your course works properly there, please work with the support team of your current hosting solution so they can check if anything needs to be adjusted on their end to correct the behavior.

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hi HP Life,

      I'm happy to let you know we released a new update for Rise 360. This update fixes the issue you encountered where learners could play a Storyline block and scroll through lesson content simultaneously. There's nothing to install for web apps. New features and fixes are immediately available, though you might need to export your Rise 360 course again.

      Let me know if you have any questions about this update or the issue you reported!