Storyline 360 Versioning on Google Drive for Desktop
I have recently encountered a strange behavior with Storyline that I am unsure how to remedy, or why it is occuring. I am wondering if anyone has encountered this before.
So, my team uses Google Drive for desktop. I tried to open a SL360 file from our shared drive. The file opens perfectly file, but when I go to save the file it issues an error message that the file is already part of another process. The interesting part is that the file it is referencing is NOT the current file, but another file with an appended file name. So the workflow is:
Open "Saving Test" file using Google Drive for Desktop.
Make Edits.
Click Save.
Error "The process cannot access the file 'G:\Shared drives\XX\Saving Test2.story' because it is being used by another process."
Options: SaveAs...or Cancel
So Storyline--or Google--is creating this appended version and blocking the Save function. This behavior occurs with additional steps when trying to continue the process using Save As. You can get to a point where you can overwrite the original file with the same name, but it creates and keeps the appended version as well. Not great for version control :P
My question: Does anyone have a good workflow using Google drive for desktop and Storyline 360? Are there any easy workarounds to this behavior?
Storyline 360 BuildVersion: 3.86.32080.0