Storyline Accessibility auto populating
I have a very simple feature request.
Currently Storyline by default auto populates alt text on every object imported or created in a project. This means that if I have a button that has text on it that says "click me" as well as an icon comprised of an arrow and a target, each item on that button will have auto populated with alt text. So now when a screen reader goes to announce an item it has to announce the rectange of the button, the text in the button, the oval for the target, and the arrow. When all I wanted was the text to be read. And because I have 6 different states for that button, I now have to go in and turn off accessibility for each object 6 times. This is a huge waste of time and productivity.
I propose that there be an option on the storyline ribbon to disable accessibilty when creating new objects, much like the "generate closed captions" option when inserting text-to-speech.