Forum Discussion

NicolaFern-0297's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Storyline blocks have slight border in Rise


I'm noticing that my SL blocks in Rise have a thin border around them in Rise - it's not always perceptible on all sides but it's on at least two - sometimes the top and bottom, sometimes the sides. Might be an influence of the background colour.  

Is this what everyone else is seeing?

I'm trying to get them to disappear into the page as much as possible; the issue is visible in the image below and on the review course at :



  • Hi Nicola! 

    Thanks so much for including the screenshot and the Review 360 link. I'd like to see if I can recreate this from my side. Can you help me with a few more details?

    • Are you using the modern player with a custom color
    • What version of Storyline 360 are you using? You can find out by going to Help > About Storyline. The latest version is Build 3.63.27674.0.
    • Do you notice that the gray lines appear and disappear if you make the browser window larger and smaller?
  • Hi Alyssa,

    Yes, I do see it appearing and disappearing on adjusting the browser size.  The smaller the browser window, the more consistent and clear the border is.  I am using a custom colour for the modern player.

    I'm using the latest version of the Beta build - 3.64.27846.0



  • Hi Nicola,

    Thanks for sharing these additional findings.  I tried testing this issue in a test Rise course and I don't see a border line in my Storyline block.

    Because of this, I have created a case for you with our support team.  We'll be reaching out soon!