Forum Discussion

HarmeetGrewal's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Storyline Course for Portfolio: Requesting Feedback

Hi, everyone:

I hope this is the right place to post this.

I'm working on my first Storyline course. Could I please get some feedback? :)

Also: Could you let me know if you think this is worth adding to a portfolio to prove basic competency with Storyline (that was my end goal)? I'm worried about it having an opposite effect: i.e. Employers think I'm not super proficient with the tool because the course is so simple/basic...

Maybe I can add something to take this to a higher level (not sure what that would be atm), but will wait to hear what everyone's comments are before pouring more time into this.

Many thanks! 

3 Replies

  • Hi Harmeet! This is a great place to post your project for some feedback. Unfortunately, I'm getting an error message when I try to access your project. There seems to be a problem with your link. 

    • HarmeetGrewal's avatar
      Community Member

      Ah, sorry, I had worked on it last night and forgot to update the link here. :) Just updated it. 

      Would appreciate any feedback. Particularly, I'm wondering if I overdid it with the animations? I've set the slides to "Resume saved state" when re-visiting so users don't have to wait for the text to animate every time... but still wondering if it's too much?
