Forum Discussion
Storyline publish keeps crashing when using Google Noto CJK fonts.
I have recently been having the same issues with the Noto Sans CJK fonts. By a tedious process of elimination it seems that the publish crash occurs when any text field using Noto Sans contains either bold or italic text. This is becoming very frustrating as many projects I work on end up being translated into Chinese, Korean & Japanese. Whilst italicisation makes no sense for CJK characters, bolding is often useful so having to remove it is a nusiance.
There is clearly a bug in the Storyline publishing routines as I can see in the error logs that an exception is being thrown:
ErrorReporting Error: 0 : [2021-04-27T11:58:12.7079547+01:00][0000094c:000011fc:00000018] ErrorReport.ShowAndSendErrorAsync(...): System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
at System.Text.StringBuilder.ToString()
at System.String.Join(String separator, IEnumerable`1 values)
at Articulate.Player.PlayerWriter.a(bwFonts A_0, bwFrame A_1)
at Articulate.Player.PlayerWriter.b(bwFonts A_0, bwFrame A_1)
at Articulate.Player.PlayerWriter.Write(IPlayerContentProvider contentProvider)
at of.n()
at Articulate.Design.Publish.TargetContext.PublishBackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e)
at Articulate.ComponentModel.STABackgroundWorker.a(Object A_0)
Any chance of fixing it?