Forum Discussion
Storyline Question Bank Incorrect Answers require learner to click the submit button twice
Hello Meg,
Happy to help!
Can I ask if you've tried limiting the number of attempts that your learners get on question slides to 1? If you haven't yet, here's how to change the number of attempts:
If this doesn't work for you, would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case so we can see how your question slides are setup? We'll delete it when we're done testing!
Thank you so much for helping me with my training, where the learners had multiple attempts to submit their answer. Your answer was correct, in that I had the attempts for each question set to "2". After changing that to "1", it worked as I intended. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me!!!
All the best,
Meg Nicewanner
Senior Instructional Designer
Beacon Hill Staffing Group
617-826-3966 | Internally x 1066
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