Forum Discussion
Storyline Quiz Review - Is the Incorrect/Correct message editable?
Just watched Jeannette's great screenr on creating customized Quiz Review slides. In addition to this customization, is there a way to move/edit the "Incorrect" and "Correct" text rectangle that appears at the bottom of each review slide? I don't think it was customizable in Studio Quizmaker, but maybe it is in Storyline? Thanks!
- AndrewElder1Community Member
Jennifer, I had the same question myself creating a quiz this morning. You can view the Incorrect/Correct boxes by clicking on their layers. You'll find you can grab and move the text boxes, but not the shapes themselves.
- JenniferBircherCommunity Member
Thanks, Andrew. Actually, I was referring to the Quiz Review feedback, which appears at the bottom of the screen if the learner clicks the Review Quiz button. I'm looking for a way to move it, change the colors etc.
- SteveFlowersCommunity Member
You can overlay that with a shape colored as your background color but it's not an editable item at this point.
- JenniferBircherCommunity Member
Thanks, Steve. I'll submit a feature request to make this item editable.
- JosefYlananCommunity Member
is this feature now available?
- vimalsinghCommunity Member
what you want do? can you give me some explanation. So that I can help you.
- DhirajKCommunity Member
Was this ever addressed? If yes, can you please share how to edit this?
- JenniferBircherCommunity Member
Follow up: How can I remove the Prev and Next buttons that appear only during the Quiz Review? We have set up the quiz using our own buttons and do not want these to appear during the Review. They do not appear during the quiz itself. Any ideas? Thanks!
- vimalsinghCommunity Member
You can follow this video It works perfectly.
- AdrianDeanFormer Staff
Hi Jennifer,
Take a look at this thread.
I made a Screenr video for that post showing how to do just that.
- JenniferBircherCommunity Member
Thanks, Adrian. Actually, I need to remove the Prev and Next buttons that appear during the Quiz Review. We have removed them from the Quiz slides themselves, but for some reason they show up during the Quiz Review, even though they are turned off on the slide. I can't find a way to disable them during the Quiz Review.
You could replicate this if you'd like by creating a quiz with Prev/Next buttons turned off, then see what happens during the Quiz Review. I haven't looked through all the related threads from your link above, but let me know if you think this issue is addressed there. Thanks!
- GillChesterCommunity Member
On a related note to this quiz review slides don't sit within the menu correctly so the bottom of the 'correct and incorrect' text is cut off. I'm using the standard storyline screen size but the player is overlapping the screen.
Anyway ideas why this is and how I can sort it??
I've enclosed a screenshot
- JenniferBircherCommunity Member
Hi Gill,
This also happened to me. Everything was fine, and then I noticed that additional real estate had been added to the top and bottom of the player., causing items to be cut off at the top and bottom. Here's the solution that worked for me:
1. Switch to the default Storyline player.
2. Preview
3. Switch back to your custom player.
4. Preview
If this doesn't work, try rebuilding your custom player again from the default Storyline player.
Hope that helps!
- GillChesterCommunity Member
Thank Jennifer for your quick response.
I have tried your suggestion but the issue still occured even with the default stoyline player.
I'm not using next and back buttons in the course and its seems, when these appear in the review section it covers the slide underneath.
I found this tutoral for changing the size of a storyline screen
It included details of how to create custom sizes for screens and tried that on one of the quiz questions but that made no difference.