Forum Discussion
Storyline Suspend Data Compression
Hello Ashley,
I am trying to figure out a way to resolve an unwanted behavior in a course I'm working on. Even when its completed, it would always resume to an exam question. I would like it to resume on last page that the user was in when they completed the course. So far every topics in ELH and help from support have lead me to a conclusion that I am facing a suspend_data problem.
These are the suggested solutions that I have drawn from the discussion:
1. Publish to SCORM 2004 3rd/4th ed.
2. Minimize/delete slides.
3. Only set important slides' settings to resume to saved state and set others to reset to initial state to minimize sending data to suspend_data.
1 and 2 are not an option since the client's LMS only supports SCORM 1.2 and everything in the course is based on their specs. Therefore, it leaves me with option 3 but I have made little progress as to how to make this random behavior not be so random.
Thanks for the solution for SCORM 1.2 suspend_data