Forum Discussion

AishaChaudhry-3's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Storyline to open in a separate tab


I'm creating a course where I was hoping to include a model, made in Storyline, as a hyperlink and have that open in a separate tab when clicked on. 

I want to include the model as it is a repetition for those who want it. A link to the model will let people decide if they need that repetition and it won't completely disrupt the flow of the course as is the case if I just insert it as a regular Storyline block. 

However I am not familiar with how to export the file or how to publish it to our server and extract a link. Does anyone have tips for a beginner? :)

Thanks in advance!

  • Since it's a Storyline interaction you want to link to, publish it for the Web (instead of to Review). Then upload those files to the web server. Use the story.html file as the launching link. 

    You may have to work with your IT department for where the course can be uploaded.