Forum Discussion
Tiles with Building Text - Layers or Selected State?
For states, you can use entrance animations. Create the desired text box, set the animation, then copy the text box, edit states, and paste the text box onto the selected state. Check this, it’s possible it might work only the first time, but not later times if the learner clicks back and forth. In fact, the drawback to using Selected states is that they toggle; another click will change it back to Normal. If you don’t want that behavior, use a custom state (and a name that is not on the drop down list), and a trigger to change to it when the object is clicked.
If you use layers, you will need one for each card, and set their properties to de-select the “Hide other layers” function.
Thx, Walt - for the States fix, pasting in the formatted text box worked to a degree, but the text appears as a block rather than by paragraph as I've chosen. Any ideas how to fix that?
BTW - the fade did work on multiple clicks.
And for anyone reading this, I softened the transition between layers by adding a Transition Fade on the color images. SMH.