Forum Discussion

RobbiJames's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Transferring Content to a New Team Member Without a Free Seat

Is there seriously no way to transfer content by folders, or to assign a new seat to a NEW USER without having a vacant set to add them to?

We've recently lost 3 team members responsible for large portfolios, and have hired 3 replacements. Not only do I have no shared folder structure (a feature requested 3 years ago), but now as the Account Manager, I have to reassign all the content. Here's what that looks like:

  1. Remove departing team member from Team.
  2. Transfer all content to myself (because we don't want to purchase another license so I can add the new team member first, and you cannot assign a new person to a seat without first removing the previous person).
  3. Invite new team member to Articulate 360.
  4. Wait for them to accept.
  5. INDIVIDUALLY CHANGE THE PERMISSIONS on a HUGE portfolio of content, title by title, to add the new team member - because there seems to be no facility to transfer an entire folder of content to anyone.

This is insanity. It's going to take hours to transfer content back and forth to the new users, when all I should need to do is give the departing employee's seat to a new employee so they inherit all the associated content.

Shared folders were requested THREE YEARS ago. And today I discovered that you apparently expect us to buy an extra seat in order to facilitate moving content from a departing employee to a new hire??? I'm sorry if my frustration is apparent, but that's probably because I am so frustrated. This shouldn't be so difficult. Let me allocate a seat to a new employee and transfer the content over in ONE ACTION, at the very least - but ideally, if we pay for Team licences, give us the tools to work as a TEAM within a shared folder structure and allow us to control permissions on folders instead of individual content items.

ALSO: This would alleviate the issue of having different versions of a document in Review 360, depending on who published each. It's insane. If the original author publishes to Review 360, they distribute Link A. Then they're away for a day and I'm asked to make changes, so I do... and I publish the changes to Review, but I have to distribute Link B. Reviewers then go in and make comments on Link A, either because they haven't seen Link B yet, or because they (logically) assume that the links are the same. This is causing an extreme amount of confusion and extra work.

We're paying for 'team' licenses, but we're not getting 'team' functionality. :( All we're getting is the ability to individually grant additional people edit rights to our content, and an extremely laborious process of transferring content between team members.

  • Hi everyone!

    We are excited to share that we have released Rise 360 Team Folders! You can now create shared team folders in Rise 360 to organize your content and share content with collaborators even faster. We know this has been a popular feature request and we can't wait for you to finally check it out!

    Your Rise 360 dashboard will look a little different, but don't worry. You can find all of your content, personal and shared, in the My View section. If you run into any snags or have additional questions about Rise 360 Team Folders, our team is available in this discussion or in a support case.

  • hkanstrm's avatar
    Community Member

    I give Robbi a +1!!
    (having a long time ago sent an extensive document to Articulate R&D about this and many other things..)

    Robbi says hours , try days.. And then you need to verify the transferred content as well, because the content is not always transferred :) , because if it was shared by others there might be an issue.. All this has been reported extensively as well to Articulate some time ago. I was informed they understand the issue and are working on fixing it.

  • Hi everyone!

    We are excited to share that we have released Rise 360 Team Folders! You can now create shared team folders in Rise 360 to organize your content and share content with collaborators even faster. We know this has been a popular feature request and we can't wait for you to finally check it out!

    Your Rise 360 dashboard will look a little different, but don't worry. You can find all of your content, personal and shared, in the My View section. If you run into any snags or have additional questions about Rise 360 Team Folders, our team is available in this discussion or in a support case.

    • NadineTanner's avatar
      Community Member

      This still doesn't appear to allow you to transfer ownership :-(

  • NadineTanner's avatar
    Community Member

    If I have 1 Articulate seat and that person leaves the company, how do I transfer the seat and the content to someone else?