Forum Discussion

JuliaAllen-1574's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Transitioning a slide layer to a new slide and shrinking it??

Good afternoon,

I am trying to use Storyline 360 to recreate an animation/transition that was created in PowerPoint 365. There is a large group of images at the bottom of one slide, which through the morph transition gets smaller and moves up to the right corner of the next slide. The example of what I'm trying to do is shown in the video below.

I've searched the animations and transitions and I just don't see a way to accomplish this. Does anyone have any ideas for me? Please advise. Thank you!
  • Hello Julia, 

    It seems that this has been a feature request in the past. I checked the feature roadmap and it has not yet made it on the roadmap. 

    A potential workaround until it becomes a feature may be to morph in Powerpoint and then export it as a video to be inserted in Storyline. 

    I hope this was helpful! 
  • Hi, Julia.

    As Gonzalo mentioned above, we are tracking a feature request for the morph transition in Storyline. 

    I will add this discussion to the report and return with updates if I have any news to share or if this request makes it to our feature roadmap. 

    In the meantime, I'm looking forward to suggestions from our community members on how you can accomplish a similar animation.