Forum Discussion

JudithSanders's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Trigger problem on cue point wwhen having multiple cue point triggers

I don't understand that Storyline (as it appears) gives me the very annoying issue that it runs all the previous triggers belonging to earlier cue points when I jump to a later cue point. As if Storyline always runs through the timeline from the start until the cue point reached you have triggered. Even though when triggered it is at a later stage in the movie, that doesn't matter. All my previous triggers are triggered which give me unwanted results.

This way I can NEVER make something ONLY happen at a certain point in time as I have multiple (different) things happen throughout my video.

I don't think there is a way out, but maybe someone has an idea I haven't tried yet. Thank you all for your time!

  • Can you jump to a specific time (maybe half a second before the cue point), instead of a cue point?

    • JudithSanders's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Walt.  That doesn't matter, as it always starts from the beginning anyway and picks up all the triggers given before that specific time.

  • Hi, Judith.

    We have a bug reported where the When timeline reaches Xs" trigger executes when you skip any point in the seekbar after Xs, which could be what you're experiencing.

    If you can share the .story file through a support case, we're happy to confirm and see if there are any workarounds for your scenario.

    I've also preemptively connected this discussion to the bug report, and I'll be sure to come back to update you when I have some news. 

  • DolandRuiz's avatar
    Community Member

    hELLO. Any updates to the error: When timeline reaches Xs" trigger executes when you skip any point in the seekbar after Xs,?

    I am experiencing this at the moment and it's really putting a damper on my productivity. Makes this slide take 4x as long as it should take, which I cannot charge the client for.

  • DolandRuiz's avatar
    Community Member

    Mine: I have a Cuepoint 1 at 2s telling it to show Instructions layer which is set to Pause main timeline. The user then hits OK and the layer closes itself, Resuming main timeline.

    I then have the Main timeline loop when it reaches the end, Jump to cue point 3 which is at 4s.

    It instead jumps to Cuepoint 1 and plays from there. Doesn't matter if instead of a layer, I placed the Instructions right in the main timeline (with a pause). Or if the layer has Pause triggers instead of the layer setting. The culprit seems to be the Pause.




  • DolandRuiz's avatar
    Community Member

    As you will see, when it reaches Cuepoint 3 it's supposed to jump to Cuepoint 4 where the fruits start falling. Instead, it jumps all the way to Cuepoint 1 which is set to show the instructions layer. You should not even see the "Ready?" box as in should have gone away by the time it reaches Cuepoint 4.

    It's definitely a bug as I've encountered this before. I've already done a work-around by dividing it into two layers and placing the instructions in the previous layer.

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi D R!

      Thanks for sharing your file and the workaround steps you've implemented! Testing your course on my end, I was able to reproduce the same behavior. I'm sorry that you've been affected by this bug and are experiencing setbacks!

      Our team is still actively monitoring this issue and will update this discussion as soon as we have news to share regarding a fix.

      I've included your voice in the report and also wanted to share this article which goes into more detail on how we identify and tackle bugs.