Forum Discussion
triggers canceling each other out.
I am creating a game on the latest version of articulate storyline. the game base is a drag and drop that I free formed and added moving fish to the slide. The triggers they have are to move along the path, change state when dropped , pause timeline when click/hover/etc., snap back if incorrect, change state if correct, and to continue to move along path after animation.
I can get one function to work at a time. the game looks a mess trying different ways to get the functions to work for multiple fish. When preview, the fish will appear then when you clicked on the object it would pause the timeline but I would not be able to drag the fish.
I ran into issues where if I could get the object paused and dragged it would not react to the drop box. Or if I could get the object to move along the path the object could not be clicked on or dragged.
I believe it was because the object had three labels since it was grouped. I figured that the commands didnt work because the triggers was divide between the button, the picture and the group. So I tried being more specific about which to be dragged and which to react and that didnt work either. where did I go wrong?
7 Replies
Hi, Joy.
Thank you for reaching out!
If you can share your .story file here, I'm happy to take a look and offer suggestions, and I'm sure others in the community would do the same.
My initial suggestion for troubleshooting would be to ungroup your objects or use simple shapes with your triggers. Once everything is set, then you can replace them with the fish images.
I hope this helps!
I tried to catch and drag the fish and have it counted off. I saw other use true/false slides to help,
Hi, Joy.
Thank you for sharing the .story file!
I'm not sure I understand why you're using a transparent rectangle on top of your fish image (and the boat - target item) and grouping those. Would it work for your design to add the triggers directly to the fish?
ok ill try that
the pause time line is the issue. should I change it to variable? is that trigger/command possible? I tried without the grouping and the functions continued to make the error. I animated three fish and gave three fish the basic command move. only one fish has the command pause time line when the fish "is down", and resume when "is not down". that fish did not even present itself in the preview. how can I get the fish to be draggable during a motion path?
Hi, Joy.
I found a discussion with a similar idea as yours (a drag and drop slide where objects are moving on a motion path). Take a look below for an approach you can try, using variables: