I am currently working on a project with a click to reveal slide. I have all the layers set up. After the user has clicked on each object, the next button and accompanying audio should begin. I have added variables to each layer and created a trigger to show next layer when all variables are true (visiting each object). I noticed that it only works if I click the last object twice. I need help resolving this.
Objects that have built-in states, (those with names in the drop down list of new state names) come with built-in superpowers that make them function. An object with a Visited state will automatically change to the Visited state when clicked. If you create a trigger that does that, it might cause unpredictable conflicts. If it does, they can be amazingly catastrophic. You will want to delete them.
If you will create a text box, and Insert a reference into it, you can observe the value of the variable. Doing that will show you that the variables are, indeed, changing as you designed them. (See the attached sample.)
There is a huge danger in testing if you don't add all the "what ifs" you can think of. For example," What if the learner doesn't click the tabs in order?" Testing that way will reveal to you that it works if the last tab is clicked twice only after the other tabs have also been clicked once. In fact, after all tabs have been clicked, it will work if any tab is clicked a second time.
These triggers illustrate the problem:
When you click Picture2, the Chapter2 variable is False. It doesn't turn true until the layer plays. That's why you have to click twice to see the Next layer. As Nedim says, these triggers need to go on each of the layers, Set the When portion to be "When user clicks X". The variable will already have been changed, and if you put it on each layer, it doesn't matter what order they use.
A true hero! Thank you so much for resolving this. This is my first project in Storyline and this was the last slide giving me trouble. Thank you! It worked like a charm.