Typeform embed not working well - jumping
Hi all, I have embedded two Typeforms into a Rise module (I simply used the link of the Typeform as the embed code), such as https://ripe-ncc.typeform.com/to/jEMfJYfo
Now the problematic thing that happens is when I open the module in Chrome or Firefox, that the module immediately jumps to the Typeform rather than to the beginning of the module.
This is of course not how it should be. Does anyone have a fix for this by any chance? Anything that can be changed in the embed code for example?
Here is my review link by the way, in case you'd like to experience it yourself: https://360.articulate.com/review/content/17406aed-8724-44ad-a626-7b5a2afdf234/review
Thank you!
EDIT: January 12th 2023: Thank you so much for fixing this! I have just republished one module and tested it in Chrome/Firefox and the fix works! :)
Good news, everyone! We just fixed an issue where learners were taken directly to the embed block location when starting a lesson containing an embedded TypeForm.
If you have a course that contains embedded Typeform, you'll want to republish the course to take advantage of this fix.
Let us know how this improvement works for you!