Forum Discussion

DennisFernan465's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Unable to Preview or Publish

When attempting to preview/view  an entire project in Storyline, the error report box appears. When Attempting to publish, the software crashes. 


I have saved under a new file name and copied the file as well but receive the same results. How can I resolve this issue?


Thank you,



  • after reading previous comments for the same issue, I've attempted to copy the scenes/slides into a new file but still encountering same issue. 

  • Spencer's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Dennis,

    I'm in the same boat as you. Yesterday I was having a perfectly normal day, finishing off some edits to a course, and when I went to go Publish it was slow, then stalled, and eventually froze. I then realized that I lost the ability to even preview the project, a scene, or a slide.

    I know other people who started having the same issue at the same time. I was worried the course itself had become corrupted, but I had the same issue with a new/blank project AND I was able to send the file to someone else and they had zero issue publishing and previewing  the course. 

    I'm commenting in hopes an admin or staff will see it and escalate this issue, because being unable to Preview/Publish is is a major issue. Did you recently do an update to Storyline, or do you have a pending update when you go to open? Is there anything else you've observed?

    If I find out anything, I'll be sure to let you know!

    • DennisFernan465's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi. So they responded and said there was a corrupted video in my file and to just delete and add again.
      I did that but still experienced the same thing when attempting to insert new vid. And it was with ANY vid. (corrupt vids showed graybox instead of first frame of video).
      I ended up deleting the whole scene and rebuilding it in a new file (copied and pasted the other scenes).

      While it worked, Not a great solution but neither was theirs. Lol. Hope everything works out for you. Or get a refill on blood pressure meds. Lol.

      Thank you!


    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Spencer!

      Sorry to hear that you've also encountered issues when previewing/publishing a Storyline course.

      I see that you've already opened a support case and connected with my colleague Johnrey. Great move! I've just updated your case with the feedback shared so Johnrey can be notified. You're in excellent hands working one-on-one with him!

      We can continue this conversation over in your support case to keep all information in one spot.

  • Did you debug your file ? 

    For instance deactivating all your triggers, hiding all your elements in the timeline, and then show them one after another until you find the culprit ?

    Storyline doesn't like %variables% that don't exist, those may create this bug.

    Storyline doesn't like it when you delete the original object in the normal state (for instance to paste another object).

    Hope you'll find a solution !

  • Joel, thanks for the tips. I appreciate it. I just deleted and rebuilt the scene that had the corrupted video. That worked... for now. 


    Thank you and have a great day!