Forum Discussion

AmieGustavson's avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Update all TTS at once?

I was in the middle of a project when the updated TTS with the new, improved voices came out.  Now, I have older slides with the "old" voice and newer on with the new voice.  For consistency, I would like to update all of the older slides to the new voice, but I've been doing it piece by piece and it's very tedious - and taking forever.  Is there an easier way to do this??  It doesn't appear that republishing did it.      

  • SBP_Inc's avatar
    Community Member

    I remember seeing a post going back a few years that suggestion exploring the published output in details, and some custom coded tool to do the magic. I couldn't find the thread using the forum's search box, but try terms like swap audio voicetrack and custom coded tools. Good luck

  • Hi Amie!

    I see that Brian has been helping you out! I just wanted to pop in and share that we have a feature request logged that would allow authors to update TTS audio across multiple slides at once. I'll include your voice in the feature report and will update this discussion if it makes it onto our Feature Roadmap.

    Thanks for reaching out! Have a great rest of your week!