Forum Discussion

MarnaKriel's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Using two Linkert's and plotting the outcome on a grid

Good day everyone

I am seeking your advise in Storyline 360.

For the sake of the example, I have a grid with 9 blocks.

I want to set up two sets of Linkert questions (set A and set B). These questions can be answered by one of three options, Low, Medium or High.

The answers to A should be plotted vertically, and the answers to B horizontally.

The combination of the two should position across one of the 9 blocks in the grid. The idea is to have a "visual" answer. Or perhaps opening into the appropriate "scene" as a result.

Would I need to make use of JavaScript to perform a task like this? Or is there another way to get something like this to work?

I am looking forward to your response.

  • You don't have to use JavaScript. You could create your own Likert questions, track those responses with variables, and then use triggers with conditions to control how the final visual looks and/or where the user goes next. 

    This post is about how to track custom questions/surveys: The demo provides examples and explains how the triggers work. 

    It's worth learning about conditions and variables, because they provide the real power in Storyline. Here are the User Guide articles:

  • MarnaKriel's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks very much, Judy!

    I am looking forward to diving into this.

    If it is as easy as triggers and conditions, then I can do it. JavaScript is a beast I am not yet ready for.

  • MarnaKriel's avatar
    Community Member

    I am just not getting it right, hey.
    I have created my own likert, with custom "radio buttons", each row of options in a "button set" of three options. Using the "adjust variable" option to set the value of each button of each set, the first to the value of 1, the second to the value of 2 and the third to the value of 3.

    Those values do not seem to mean anything, whether it is a normal slide or converted to Freeform.

    I have the results slide with the 9 blocks in a grid, each having to "show" in their respective layers depending on the value that the radio buttons are supposed to generate.

    I only got the one to show, regardless of the "conditions" set. Maybe I am trying to put too many conditions in?

    Some advice would be appreciated. Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to share the file at this point for more insight, but see the image attached to show one set of conditions.

  • The conditions in your image look okay. 

    Variable values only "mean" something when you use them. A freeform question doesn't use a custom variable -- unless you program that (e.g., by using the value in a trigger condition). 

    I suggest you add variable references to every slide with a trigger that includes a variable. That'll let you see whether the values are changing as expected. 

    • I put variable references in bright-red text boxes. That makes them easy to spot, even in Storyview. And that helps ensure I won't inadvertently leave one on a slide when I publish the course.
    • Before publishing, I usually move the ref. text box off the slide, so it'll be available for future testing, as needed. Hiding it in the timeline also works. 
  • MarnaKriel's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Judy

    I took out all the information about the business.

    Will you please have a look at my triggers? I don't know if my conditions are too complex. Or if I should do it another way.

  • The buttons set values for PerformancePotential[#] variables. Almost all of the Grid Result triggers check the value of Variable1 and Variable2.

    FYI, the Q5-Q9 buttons aren't in button sets, which means someone could select all of them: 

    BTW, I suggest you give all objects meaningful names. Or, at the very least, do that for objects involved in interactions. That can be a big help when troubleshooting. 

  • MarnaKriel's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you for your valuable feedback. 

    I will rename everything, and recreate the button sets for Q5-9, they were set in their rows at some point, and then I will revisit my values.