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GennaWilliamson's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Variables not working with conditions and triggers

Hi Heroes,

I'm in desperate need of help with variables, triggers, and conditions. I can't share my course, due to the nature of the education and industry I'm in but I will outline what I'm trying to do. 

Course overview:

I have quite a large course beginning with a menu screen (games, video tutorials, guided system navigation, and interactive learning) going to submenus to display multiple games, videos, etc. the user needs to complete. 

I want to mark the scenes as completed after the user finishes them to help track what has been completed. I'm using states to change the color of the game icon (for example) from colored to gray to indicate that is completed. Variables come into play on the last slide of the scenes; variables using true/false. I'm using a new variable for each scene in the course. The default set to false, and when the timeline starts on the final slide, the trigger should change to true - therefore changing the state of the icon on the submenu. 


What happens when the user clicks on the icon, it changes from the "new state" to the 'disabled" or "visited" state upon clicking on the icon instead of following the triggers when the scene(s) is complete. (Side bar: is there a difference between disabled and visited? I used them both, but stay consistent on the submenus) This is a problem on the main menu especially, as the scenes in the submenu haven't been visited yet. 

What I've tried to no avail:

  • Using "NewState" instead of "normal" as the default state 
  • Using Number variables instead of true/false
  • Creating another variable on the submenu "all states are visited" to trigger on the main menu

I've included some screenshots of my triggers to help with understanding. 


Thank you!!!! I appreciate the help.

  • I see no reason to use a custom NewState instead of Normal as the default state. 

    Disabled and Visited are built-in states. That means they come with some automatic functioning:

    • When an object is Disabled, it can't be clicked. In other words, any triggers attached to it won't run. I assume you know this, and you are changing each icon/button to Disabled after the associated section has been completed so that the user can't return to it.
    • When an object has a Visited state, it will automatically change to that state when it is clicked. (As noted above, it can't be clicked if it's Disabled.)
      • Triggers that change an object to Visited often cause problems, because they're duplicating what's going to happen automatically. 
      • Try using a custom state instead of Visited.

    I think it makes sense to use a T/F variable to track whether a section is done, because there are only 2 options: not done (False) or done (True). 

    You should double-check the variables in the triggers and their values. For example, add a temporary text box to the menu slide that references the variables. That's a good way to ensure the have the value you expect.

    By the way, your development and troubleshooting would probably be easier if you gave meaningful names to all the objects involved in interactions. 

    • GennaWilliamson's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks Judy! It NewState was advice I received from another developer, so I tried it out.  Thanks for the guidance! 

  • There is a sample that does what you want at this discussion: 

    Free navigation allows the learner to choose the different modules in any order and leave at any time. Restricted navigation forces them to visit the modules in order and leave only after completing all of them. Mixed navigation allows them to visit the modules in any order, but not to leave until all have been visited. It sounds to me like Restricted is what you want.