Forum Discussion

ThierryEMMANUEL's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Videos as Web Objects don't launch automatically with the procedure "?autoplay=1" on Chrome and Edge

Bonjour everyone.

I posted a demo for last week's challenge #460 ... Using toggle buttons...  The principle is simple: a YouTube video of relaxation launches automatically when you toggle each button. Problems on Edge and Chrome were reported to me after I posted this demo, which works perfectly on Firefox (for me): the videos don't launch automatically, and only the first frame of the video and the play button, which can't be clicked, are displayed. Not very relaxing!

Videos are not integrated into the .story file. I used Youtube videos inserted as web objects, following the procedure described here:  

(sorry, I can't find this page in English).

The web object address is where I replace “video_id” with the Youtube video ID, then “?autoplay=1” which automatically starts playback. It works for me (Firefox). I don't know why it blocks for others (Chrome and Edge).

Perhaps it's a question of browser settings that refuse automatic video launch (possibly inappropriate), but also block normal playback.

If the “?autoplay=1” procedure is not suitable for ALL browsers without additional settings for each learner, I see no point in recommending it.

Have I forgotten something? Does anyone have a solution to the problem? And explain it to me? Thank you.

Here is the Review link:

3 screenshots: Firefox (video has started and is running) Chrome (still image and unclickable button) Edge (same)

The .story file (just below)

The address of one of the YouTube videos to try for yourself:

Unfortunately, I haven't yet found the answer in the other (almost) similar discussions, which are all quite old.


8 Replies

  • Ange's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi,  Not a resolution sorry!  But "some web browsers, such as Google Chrome and Safari, no longer allow audio and video content to autoplay."  I think it has more to do with bandwidth and device use rather than inappropriate content - I could be wrong.

    As for playback button not working - I have videos in some modules and that has never been a problem. although I do remember having to do something to make that happen. I will see if I can dig them out to see what I did.  

    • ThierryEMMANUEL's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Ange. I've often used Youtube videos and the play button always works. In the case of my demo, I think it's blocking because "autoplay" won't launch when it should, and it simply has a conflict.

      • Ange's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi Thierry, I looked at your file, there are rectangles over the videos stopping the click/play interaction from registering. I removed the rectangle and the videos all played (click/play) with the "autoplay" still in place. Not sure if wanted those in place for a particular reason. Thinking Hidden/Normal state may work if that is the case. 

  • Thnak you Ange. Thank you Jürgen. So it doesn't seem like a good idea to use "autoplay" if the majority of browsers refuse to run it, because my customers don't want to get bad feedback from their learners who don't know how to change their settings. To be avoided.