Forum Discussion

StudentCoaching's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Vimeo vs Brightcove vs uploading videos

From my understanding embedding videos from Vimeo will reduce the overall file size of the Rise 360 output because the video is hosted on the web. What happens if none of the videos are embedded using Vimeo?


Is there a reason for Vimeo or has Brightcove been utilized as well? 


Not sure if I understand how videos can affect overall content delivery/delay delivery. 

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Elizabeth,

    Whether you use YouTube, Vimeo, Brightcove, or any other similar media streaming service, it results in the published SCORM being smaller.

    Why do this? Our LMS and several others, have limits regarding the maximum size of the SCORM Zip file that can be imported into the LMS.

    Storing the videos outside the Rise course keeps the Zip file below the maximum allowable file size for us. 

    If you have only a few videos, or if your LMS does not have a maximum allowable file, keep the video's in the Rise course itself.