Forum Discussion
Voice Over in Rise 360
I concur. I prefer designing courses in Rise rather than Storyline but it's unfortunate that voice narration isn't an option to be imbedded within the course.
You can add voice overs easily. Select Multimedia > Select the first option which is Audio
Although a great option, you would have to manually click play for each section of Audio. It doesn't give the same feeling as a true voiceover.
It would be nice to have a button at the top of the course that had "accessibility features." And then as the user navigates or selects text they could hear my pre-recorded narration. This would be a great design for a two fold reason:
1) The Articulate team would not have to integrate a TTS directly into the course builder, but could instead just focus on the background uploaded file playing when it is supposed to.It is very hard when just uploading an audio files throughout the course to keep the course visually appealing.
Somehow we need to have things work so that we can have them play like a true voice over. Maybe even allowing the xAPI to auto navigate as the audio is playing to the correct section for the voiceover. These navigations could be preset in the construction of the course.
2) I could upload high quality voiceovers, instead of using the typical Microsoft Mike TTS; or I could upload files of high quality voices from Elevenlabs or Descript.
I think this would be the ideal implementation of voiceover and audio for my use case anyway. I think it would provide the most flexibility for course builders.