Forum Discussion

johnHarry-846be's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Website intigration

Our department currently collaborates with an external vendor who sends us a scorm file. This file empowers us to utilize our LMS, Cornerstone, to have our employees launch courses, track progress, and record completion, even if they exit and resume later. We have staff who are now required to take additional training from another vendor. I am curious to know if 360 can assist us in integrating this training into our LMS. Any relevant resources or information would be greatly appreciated. The training course can be found here:

  • John,

    I’m not sure if I am understand your question but let me start the conversation.

    What it sounds like is that your staff needs to take training from another vendor. You would like those courses to be integrated into your LMS so you can track progress? One thing you might look into is using a dispatch package. 

    When content is packaged in a dispatch package format, it allows the content to be hosted in one LMS while allowing other LMSs to display the content and track usage data.

    You might contact the vendor and ask if they can provide you with a dispatch package for each course. You can then upload these into your LMS and track. The actual content will still be hosted on the vendor’s LMS.

    Of course, you might be able to ask them to provide the SCORM package for upload to your LMS but, most vendors won’t do that as it provides you with the actual course for free.

    Another option would be to provide links to the training material (external to your LMS) and make some arrangements to obtain course completion reports.

    Just brainstorming some ideas. Let’s see what others have to add to this conversation.
