Forum Discussion

CherylElliott-7's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

What do I call an Articulate Storyline finished THING? (When it's not a "course", "module", or "presentation)

What is a word that describes the Articulate Storyline output, when it's not a "course", "module" or "presentation"?

When I tell people the finished product will be a "story", they don't know what I'm talking about and it makes no sense to them. If I were to say I was working on a video, that's nice and clear. But I can't call it that, or a "course" or a "module" because it's a collection of videos and interactive screens made available for viewing - in one electronic or digital package. Nobody has to pass anything or be tracked and it's not part of a larger learning thing and there are no requirements - it's just an interactive place for media, in one link. It's more like a website where there are buttons and choices, markers and things to click. Most say the answer is that it's "eLearning"'s an eLearning?'s an eTraining? An eLearning or eTraining what? I need a word besides "thing", that everyone understands, that doesn't require further explanation. 

Me: "Here's a link to the [Title] eLearning"
Them: What is that?
Me: It's....(brain stops and tries to explain in a few words but after several frustrating moments comes up with)'s a thing. (Proceed to long, wordy description of the "thing").

  • "Here's link to the [Title] project" ?

    Or maybe just refer to it as "the [Title] website" (and hope they'll be pleasantly surprised by the interactivity)...

  • The problem is that you don't know why you made it.  Clarify why you made it, and that means "what are the end users supposed to do?" If they are supposed to have fun, it's a game. If they are to learn or know something, it is an e-learning exercise. If they are to experience something, it's an experience, etc.

    Not speaking to you personally, but we get into a lot of trouble in this business if we don't start with the end users.