Forum Discussion

EdwardAgadja170's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Why does there continue to be a difference between the Review 360 and LMS versions of a Storyline course?

I've noticed that there's no consistency across the different outputs of the Storyline file. The preview within Storyline could look differently from the Review 360 version or the LMS version. I'm not sure why there continues to be such a discrepancy. Basically what's being developed isn't necessarily how it's going to look in the final product once uploaded?? 

  • EszterEdl's avatar
    Community Member

    I'm not the original poster, but I have the same problem. My layout looks good in Storyline, and the preview within Storyline, but when I publish it to Review 360, the elements shift around. It looks like as if Review has changed the aspect ratio for the project, and I have no idea why that would happen. Is there a way to change that?

  • AndrewHanley's avatar
    Community Member

    This is very bizarre because I have never (in 10 years) experienced any differences from Preview to Review?!

    Its true that there can be differences on an LMS - thats why we test alot - but thats down to how the individual LMS system handles our course, and we need to fine tune for that.

    @Eszter - looking at your screenshots Im very confused, because what I see are two totally different packaged courses. The big giveaway is the PLAYER.
    On one screen you have the menu top left, title = "Scenarios" and RESOURCES tab in top right.
    On the second screenshot, this has all changed!?

    So Im wondering if there hasnt been a mistake with publishing or uploading here. And that's why you are seeing such differences - essentially because they are different courses / publish versions?

    Might that have happened at all?

    • EszterEdl's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you for responding! I'm a beginner, so I might have overlooked something. I just simply published the course to Review without changing any settings, as I expected that it would show up exactly as I created it. Should I have adjusted something before or during publishing? Maybe there's a default setting on Review I don't know about.

  • AndrewHanley's avatar
    Community Member

    No Eszter, there isnt any default setting on Review.
    It's extremely strange that you are saying those two screenshots you posted are from the exact same course but one is published to Review, and the other isnt.

    The PLAYER settings for both are radically different.

    In order for this to happen, someone would have gone in to the PLAYER tab within Storyline and changed alot of things. (title, menu, resources, play button, etc)
    These things arent changed or affected when we publish to Review.

    Are you using a collaborative file that someone else edits/changes?
    Does this only happen on this one specific Storyline project file or all Storyline files?

    If that still doesnt help fix things, maybe you could share your Storyline file here and I would happily try things out.

    • EszterEdl's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you Andrew, I actually managed to solve the mystery! I thought I would come back and let you know what happened. So I'm working on this larger project for my certification course, and I had to submit a section of it for an assignment. What I did was that I created a new project, imported some of the slides from the large project, and saved it as a new project so I could show a functional section on its own. What I forgot was that Storyline has the default aspect ratio applied to all new projects, and I did not change that. I just went to Publish and sent it straight to Review, and that's why it shows up so different. I feel like an idiot now, but I'm also glad I figured it out. Thank you so much for your willingness to help, I really appreciate it!