Forum Discussion

LinWong-a312185's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Why font weight appears different from normal text vs content inside interaction block in Rise

In Rise, noticed that the font weight on the normal paragraph appears different from the ones inside interaction blocks such as Accordion, Flipcards, etc.

I find that it can be a challenge for readability, because the font weight inside the interaction block is so thin. 

Why is it designed this way? Does anyone know if there's hack to make them look normal?

This is Open Sans font, I have installed the Regular weight only.

Thank you!

  • Hi Lin,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    The question of why the font used by the interactive blocks appears thinner might be due to a design choice to distinguish the smaller area of the interactive blocks compared to the text blocks. This is a good question for our product team, and I opened a support case on your behalf to get you the answers you need! Please be on the lookout for an email from our support team regarding your inquiry. 

  • Hi Jose,

    Thank you so much for your response! An Articulate staff has reached out to me through email saying that they will issue a ticket for this.

    I think my concern was more for readability. I can't remember on top of my head how it looks like for other fonts or typeface. But when it's too thin, it's a bit more difficult to read.

    Thank you so much - appreciate your support.