How have you used the Next Big Idea Club courses in your company?

Jun 15, 2022

For all the internal L&D folks out there, I'm curious how others have rolled out the catalog of Next Big Idea Club courses inside your organization. Or what suggestions you may have for doing so.

Our current strategy is to make 3-5 courses available in our LMS upon launch and then market and release a new course a month. We'll eventually run out of courses, as these appear to be released at a rate of 2 per quarter (assuming they will continue to follow the book club release cadence) but that is decently far in the future and we can pivot at that time to quarterly. If we can get budget approval we may reimburse employee purchases of the books or enrollment in the book club itself, but that is still TBD.

When it comes to a strategy for the communication and release of the courses, did anyone do something similar - release a course a month? Did anyone make the entire available catalog available at once and then add new courses on a quarterly basis? Any recommendations one way or the other? 

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