Is there a way to make the videos play full-screen on mobile devices in Rise SCORM output?

Apr 03, 2023

Hi, there,

we are creating a mobile specific learning experience for one of our clients. But the client wants the videos to be played in full screen in all the mobile devices when the user selects the play button.

I was able to achieve it when I added the below given code in the console. However, I didn't get the same result when I added this code in the index.html under the <script> tag.

//code added in the console

const fullScreenVideo = document.querySelector(".vjs-tech");
const playButton = document.querySelector(".vjs-big-play-button");   
playButton.addEventListener("click", () => {

Could you please help me with this since it an important functionality the client wants?

I have uploaded the sample SCORM package with this note.

Thanks for your help!

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