Right to left language In Rise

Nov 17, 2016


I am developing courses in Arabic Language. I just started using Articulate 360. I tried to add content using Rise. I could add Arabic text, but I faced many issues.

  1. Numbering and bullet list come left the text. As Arabic is a right-to-left language, it should be right.
  2. Text alignment also is left to right
  3. Navigation Bar is left
  4. No Arabic fonts available, I could only use the default one.

Could anyone help me solve the problem?



Sheikh Maawiya

142 Replies
Yuval BP


As you can see this is 2020 and there's still no update about ETA.

I have to say Rise 360 is an amazing tool and has a tremendous potential.

Supporting RTL and font design for those languages would make Rise my main, if not only, product i would sell to my clients.

I was optimistic that this problem will be solved after a couple of months but after seeing this discussion I'm much more pessimistic.

It's a shame it is stuck on something that minor.

Would really appreciate an update about progress and ETA for this matter.




Dominik Ginthier

Any kind of update would be helpful. In January we have added Hebrew to our language portfolio, which makes a right-to-left support even more important. 

An additional suggestion for Articulate team: Have you considered releasing RTL support as a "beta" feature, even if it does not give 100% perfect results? We are tweaking the CSS files, which works quite well and maybe this could be an option.

Rise is a fantastic tool and it is a shame that we cannot use its full potential.

Dorrien Venables

Hey Dominik, as rtl translations are a necessity for us, we can only use a limited number of block types when implementing the dir="RTL" attribute in the CSS once published. Do you have any guidelines or recommendations for tweaking the CSS or considerations for rtl language implementation?

Darren McNeill

Any update on this? I have imported an Arabic Translated XLF file and it shows Right to Left as it was edited by an native speaker in his own country. When previewed, it switches to left to right.

I go through all of the text in the document to change it from Right to Left but the full stops and bullet points etc do not get effected by this.

Any update on Right to Left languages?

Raphael Cominelli

Dear all,

Unfortunately, although more than three years have passed since the first request for the management of RTL languages, an integrated solution in Rise does not yet appear to be available.

As previously mentioned by Dominik, since the beginning of the year, in our course offer we manage 2 RTL languages and after several attempts the following is currently the best temporary solution to which I have arrived.

Also be aware that this solution still does not work perfectly with all blocks.

Please let me know if anyone has comments or suggestions.


Rise RTL workaround

  1. Export course from Articulate Rise (I tested it using TinCan format)
  2. Unzip the downloaded file
  3. Locate the index.html file and open it for editing
    1. Change the <HTML> tag:
      from: <html lang="en" class="">
      to: <html lang="ar" class="" dir="rtl"> for Arabic
      or to: <html lang="he" class="" dir="rtl"> for Hebrew
    2. Save and close the index.html file
  4. Locate the main.bundle.css file in lib folder and open it for editing
    1. Copy all its content
    2. Put it in the INPUT pane on https://rtlcss.com/playground/# (this link will bring you to a third party website)
    3. Copy the content of the OUTPUT pane
    4. Replace content of main.bundle.css
    5. Save and close main.bundle.css
  5. Compress the main folder to create a new copy of the zip file
  6. Upload the new zip file to your LMS
Lizanne van Zyl

Hi there, 

I would also like to add my vote for Articulate to further investigate this option, as RTL text is an increasingly important aspect of ensuring access for our learners. I truly hope that this is on the roadmap somewhere as our ideal is to purchase licenses for our organisation, but without RTL we cannot do that. 


Dorrien Venables

We are very much waiting for this feature, as there are numerous clients which require Arabic translations. While the workaround has been helpful (provided by the community), it is still limiting in that we cannot use the desired range of block types, Articulate really needs to please provide some more input other than a stock message which is essentially meaningless.

Alyssa Gomez

Hi everyone,

I appreciate you taking the time to share how important right-to-left language support is for you. I want to be fully transparent so that you can make informed decisions for your future projects: right-to-left language support isn’t on our roadmap for development.

I understand that some people in this discussion have been requesting this feature for a while, and that doesn’t go unnoticed. We track every request we see in the community and evaluate them alongside our queue of bug fixes, new features already on the roadmap, and other projects.

Please keep in mind our roadmap is fluid and can change as priorities shift. Ultimately we commit to investing in features that have the broadest impact on the majority of customers. We will update you if we decide to add this feature to our roadmap in the future.