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AlexSamson-fb79's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Tracking Progress - Rise 360 Courses

Hi all,

First off, please go easy, I'm new to this!! 

I've been developing a course in Rise 360 and I've managed to export to SCORM so that I can upload the course into a cloud LMS we use (TalentLMS). I'm interested to find out how we can track candidate progress.

From what I can tell, TalentLMS treats my whole course as a single 'unit' within its course management window, whereas during writing in Rise 360 I definitely created multiple lessons in an overall syllabus. I all added in controls to force learners to study each lesson in order and to record the percentage completed.

When a learner runs the course, the only 'progress' that is tracked and recorded by TalentLMS is their completion of the final test - I suspect that if I broke my course into individual SCORM packages for each lesson and uploaded them as separate units, TalentLMS would record progress each time a lesson was completed? Is there a way to monitor lesson completion within the Rise 360 course and then communicate that to TalentLMS?

Many thanks,



  • Hi Alex! Welcome to the community! 

    That's an excellent question. Rise 360 reports Incomplete (0%) or Complete (100%) to the LMS, but not percent partially complete. 

    As you mentioned, you would want to break the course into smaller SCORM packages to track how much of the course the learner has viewed. 

  • Hello. I have the same question -  if I break the course into smaller SCORM packages, and upload each of these as a single lesson in our LMS, the user will encounter the 'start' page that has the button to start the course each time they enter a new lesson even though it is part of the same overall course. This destroys any flow from one lesson to the next. Is there any way around this?


  • Rise will not pass a percentage back to the LMS it will only let the LMS know that the course is in progress. You may be able to achieve percentage-wise completion reporting using Javascript in Storyline. Otherwise the next best method is to split your RISE course into individual SCORMS.

  • Hi everyone,

    We had a similar need and my Dev found a way to set the %age of progression as a score in the main.bundle.js by adding "parent.SCORM_SetScore(e.value, 100, 0);" to a function as he found out that no score was set anyway.

    function(e){var t=a()("progress-bar__line",{"progress-bar__line-rounded"

    would become

    function(e){parent.SCORM_SetScore(e.value, 100, 0);var t=a()("progress-bar__line",{"progress-bar__line-rounded"

    Alyssa, could you please check with your team if this would cause some side effects?

    Hope this could help!

    • Renz_Sevilla's avatar

      Hi Joyce! 

      Thanks for reaching out and sharing that code!

      You're more than welcome to share custom scripts here in the community and collaborate with other community developers! That being said, we don't officially support the modification of published output. 

      I'm sure someone from the community can chime in and check on that for you!

    • martinansbro's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Joyce,

      I'm very interested in understanding more about how to implement this script and what results you've seem from the LMS side. 

      I've produced a series of courses in Rise360 and the client's LMS provider is asking for a way to force the SCORM courses to populate the cmi.progress_measure. 

    • MichelToyos-c2c's avatar
      Community Member
      Joyce Maurin

      Hi everyone,

      We had a similar need and my Dev found a way to set the %age of progression as a score in the main.bundle.js by adding "parent.SCORM_SetScore(e.value, 100, 0);" to a function as he found out that no score was set anyway.

      function(e){var t=a()("progress-bar__line",{"progress-bar__line-rounded"

      would become

      function(e){parent.SCORM_SetScore(e.value, 100, 0);var t=a()("progress-bar__line",{"progress-bar__line-rounded"

      Alyssa, could you please check with your team if this would cause some side effects?

      Hope this could help!

      Hi Joyce:

      We have been using this script until now that the themes have changed and it seems that they have changed the programming in the main.bundle.js file.
      Is there any other kind of solution?
      Or has anyone worked on this?

      • KristenCooper-2's avatar
        Community Member

        Following, I would really love to be able to get some progress tracking data for my courses.

  • HarryOlton's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi All

    I am an extreme novice to this so I apologise before hand if this is a silly ask. Also I am not using Storyline.

    I have three flip cards in one block and I would like to indicate the to the learner that they have already flipped over each card once with a check mark placed at the bottom of the card. this in my view enhances the learner's experience. When they return to the course they will see the flipped card marked with a checkmark.  I have attached an image to help with visualization.


    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Harry,

      That's a good idea, but Rise does not give you the level of control required to change the functionality of a block.

      So you can't add a checkmark for cards that have already been viewed.

  • It would be great if Articulate could build this capability or make it easier to insert GA code. Being able to track progress is a major limitation for this technology. 

  • Hi, is there any way on Rise 360 that we can make sure learners are not skipping through and scrolling down pages and clicking the Continue/Next button at the bottom? They could literally do our full course to completion in under 2 minutes of scrolling and clicking.

    Is there a way to make the continue/next button greyed out until the learner makes an action with interacting/clicking any of the course content?

    If there isn't a conditional 'Continue' button like this readily available, is there a work around to deal with this issue?

    • JC-46cac508-99b's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi, I resolved this issue. I found the condition you can select in the options for the CONTINUE button.

      If anyone does not know what I'm talking about, if you use the DIVIDER and CONTINUE button option from the Block Library, highlight the button and select Edit. Then you will see 'Completion Type' with a dropdown menu of options. Select 'Complete Block Driectly Above' or 'Complete All Blocks Above' so that learners have to complete the content in the block above in order for the CONTINUE button to appear and progress. 

  • Since most LMS systems can have more than one SCORM package inside the same course and can track each of them separately, it would be great if Rise had "publish by sections" option. The option would publish each section of the course as separate SCORM package allowing LMS system to track each package separately. Currently, most of our customers use workaround - sliceing the course in several smaller courses (each section in a separate Rise course) but that is very time consuming and bad practice. If you want to change look and feel, for example, in each of those separate courses, you have to do it in each course separately. Not to mention the mess when you look at your course list and instead of 50 courses, you see 500 courses because each section is in a separate course. There are folders, of course, but all courses still remain in main course list also because folders only contain references to selected courses from the complete course list. I sent the feature request through Articulate's official feature request form. 

    BTW, solution mentioned above is only dealing with restricting continue button if user didn't finish previous sections and that's totally of-topic in the context of this thread.

  • AmandaCortil's avatar
    Community Member

    What if we create a Microlearning in Rise? Then the course is split into small pieces. Can we then track % progress? (i have seen that when we export the course, there is a setting around Learner progress: how can we use that?

    Thank you!

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Amanda, 

      If your LMS supports having multiple SCORM packages in one course, you can break down a Rise 360 course into multiple microlearnings and upload them individually in order to better track the percentage of overall course completion. You'll need to check with your LMS support team if this is something that they support, but just a heads up that individual Rise 360 microlearning courses do not communicate percentage completion data to an LMS. This is something that your LMS will have to calculate on its own.