Forum Discussion

AndreaGillet121's avatar
Community Member
3 days ago

AI Suggestions for Extraction and Publishing

I love what you've done with AI! I especially find the "feed me your documents" (not its official name) function a total game-changer. The outlining functionality in Rise after I uploaded 2 documents was fantastic.

To add on to this, we would love to be able to do the following:

  1. Import MP4's and MP3's for AI to extract transcripts into text to use as content.
  2. In a Rise course, give us a choice to publish as a single SCORM or publishing each lesson as its own SCORM. Reason: our learners are asking for shorter format training specific to a topic within a whole course. As an organization, we are also measuring which lessons in a course our learners are engaging with rather than whether they are completing an entire course, and this is solely a functionality of our LMS. Being able to publish each Rise lesson as its own learning object would help us greatly as we intend to do more short format learning connections within our software application ("need to know more about this thing? click here" connects them to a single lesson within an LMS course).  
  3. Publish directly to our LMS from our Articulate account (via API connector). 
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