Forum Discussion

HVfb0f498d-053b's avatar
Community Member
17 hours ago

Articulate AI

I'm been using the AI trial, it is very good and well integrated. Here's a few things I'd consider changing:


  • When you click the AI Assistant button, the order (grouping) changes depending on if you are at the root level or inside editing a lesson. For consistency I'd leave the items/groups always in the same position/order.

  • When adding a course level summary, it might be good to give editors the choice of adding as lesson 1 instead of the last lesson at the bottom. As summaries are also good course introductions.

  • Perhaps think about highlighting AI generated content with special icon or colour, for editors (not learners).

  • Could images be downloaded as a vector file format.

  • Asking AI to add images to a process block doesn't work, it adds small broken image symbols instead.


  • After inserting a AI text to speech, the previous filters all get reset. Can they be retained e.g. British
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