Forum Discussion
Smaller, Resizable Dialog Boxes/Panels
I have found I can be more productive when I undock the Trigger Panel, Layer Panel, Timing panel, State Panel, and Notes Panel. I then distribute them on the screen along with a window showing my slide so I can see everything simultaneously. It enables me to make changes as I am troubleshooting things in my slide without having to switch between tabs (e.g. timing and state).
The downside is the panels are too big and NOT resizable.
My suggestion is to tighten up the windows (there is too much unnecessary space) and make them fully resizable.
Attached is a picture of the work environment I prefer, although I realize it may not be desirable for everyone. with this environment I can click an object and change the state with 2 click without having to switch tabs. This software needs serious changes to make it more customizable for users to create a productive environment.
Thanks for reading! 🙂
Hi BillVernola!
Thanks for the insight on how we could improve the authoring experience in Storyline 360!
I've relayed your feedback to our product team, so we can update you of any future enhancements to Storyline's user interface. Have a great rest of your week!