This Quizmaker template is a great way to build a simple "Meet the Team" interaction. Simply replace the drag items with circular images of people on your team, and add the appropriate text. It's a simple activity you can use to make learners identify their co-workers. 

Guido Roessling
Jiyeon Kwon
Christopher Apmann

I apologize for the intrusion, but am looking for a solution to a problem and I am on a deadline. I am trying to create a drag and drop quiz in Articulate Quizmaker 13. I have a picture of a sail (pdf) and I would like students to correctly identify each part of the sail by dragging and dropping the correct lettered answer (A, B, C, etc) into a red circle associated with each part of the sail. E.g. A = Head, B = Batten, C = Boom Topping Lift, etc. So, from the listing of names (A = Head), they would drag and drop the letter "A" or “A = Head” into the red circle associated with the Head of the sail. I have 14 separate items to match. Is this possible with Articulate Quizmaker 13? If so, how difficult would it be to do? I am somewhat new to e-Learning and Quizmaker as I am trying to co... Expand