
Video Tutorials

Engage 360: Media Tour Interactions

The media tour interaction in Engage 360 lets learners step through a series of related images and videos. Use the media tour interaction to:

  • Explain a process with images and videos.
  • Walk through screenshots of a software application.
  • Create a multimedia tour from photographs and videos.

Exploring the Editor

The media tour editor has three columns with the following panels:


Located on the left side of the screen, this panel is used to manage items for your media tour.


Located at the top of the middle section, this panel is used to add pictures, characters, and videos.


Located at the bottom of the middle section, this panel is used to add a caption to each item in the tour.


Located in the upper right corner of the editor, this panel is used to add and edit audio.


Adding Items to a Media Tour

Each step in a media tour interaction is called an item. To add an item, do any of the following:

  • Press Ctrl+M.
  • Go to the Media Tour tab on the ribbon and click Add Item.
  • Click the Create a new step button in the lower left corner of the Steps panel.
  • Click the Duplicate button at the bottom of the Steps panel to copy the currently selected item(s).

New items get added just below the item that's currently selected in the Steps panel.

Tip: A media tour interaction can have an unlimited number of items.

Rearranging Items

To change the order of items, select one or more items in the Steps panel, then do any of the following:

  • Drag them to a new location in the list. An orange line will move with your mouse to indicate where the items will be dropped when your mouse button is released.
  • Go to the Media Tour tab on the ribbon, click Move Item, then select Up or Down.
  • Use the Up and Down arrows at the bottom of the Steps panel.

Deleting Items

To delete an item, select it in the Steps panel, then do any of the following:

  • Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
  • Go to the Media Tour tab on the ribbon and click Delete Item.
  • Click the Delete button at the bottom of the Steps panel.

Adding Media

You can add one image, character, or video to each step in a media tour interaction. Just click one of the icons in the media panel.

To switch to a different item of the same type, click the blue text below the item in the media panel.

To switch to an item of a different type, click the red X below the item in the media panel to remove it, then choose a different media type.

Videos have two optional properties:

Include Playbar

Mark this box to add player controls, letting learners play, pause, and scrub back and forth.

Auto Start

If you include a playbar, you'll also have the option to automatically start the media or wait for learners to start it when they're ready.


To learn more about adding media in Engage, see this user guide.

Adding Audio

To add audio to an item in your interaction, see this user guide.

Adding Captions

Unlike other interaction types, the steps in a media tour interaction don't have titles or alternate text fields, but you can add a caption to each step. Captions function as titles, and they're also read by screen readers for visually impaired learners. Just enter the descriptive text in the caption panel and format it using the text formatting options.

Caption text is centered by default, but you can change it. Place your cursor in the caption field, then use the following keyboard shortcuts:


Left aligns the text


Centers the text


Right aligns the text

Showing or Hiding Captions

By default, captions are enabled for media tour interactions, but you can hide them if you prefer. To show or hide captions:

  1. Go to the Media Tour tab on the ribbon and click Interaction Properties.
  2. Select the Media Tour tab on the left side of the window that appears.
  3. Mark Show Captions to display captions in your published interaction. Uncheck the box to hide them.
  4. Click OK.

Controlling Caption Height

By default, captions are 60 pixels high. To change the caption height:

  1. Go to the Media Tour tab on the ribbon and click Interaction Properties.
  2. Select the Media Tour tab on the left side of the window that appears.
  3. Enter a height between 60 and 100 pixels.
  4. Click OK.

Changing the Caption Color

The caption bar in your published interaction uses the same color as the header bar. Here's how to control the color of both:

  1. Go to the Media Tour tab on the ribbon and click Interaction Properties.
  2. Select the Colors and Effects tab on the left side of the window that appears.
  3. Use the Header type drop-down to select None, Light, or Dark. (If you select None, the header bar won't appear in your published interaction, but the caption bar will use the Light color scheme.)
  4. Click OK.

To change the colors used for the light and dark color schemes, see this user guide.

Exporting Media

Need to reuse your media in a different project? Easy. Engage lets you export media from a media tour interaction. Here's how:

  1. Select the item in the Steps panel that you want to export.
  2. Go to the Media Tour tab on the ribbon and click Export Media.
  3. Browse to the location where you want to save your exported media.
  4. Click Save.

You Might Also Want to Explore:

Working with the Interaction Title
Working with Interaction Properties

Published 9 years ago
Version 1.0

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