Karin Lorbeck
Karin Lorbeck
e-learning developer
"Good question, Doris. It is the total percentage of the adult population in the US (as represented by the polling sample). I will think o..."
  • over 2 years ago01/24/22 at 5:58 pm (UTC)
Karin Lorbeck added the course US Smartphone and Broadband Ownership
"This was my contribution to the challenge Using Interactive Charts to Present Data in E-Learning #357"
  • over 2 years ago01/23/22 at 10:42 pm (UTC)
"Here's my contribution for this week. Stats on US smartphone and broadband ownership. I picked the topic somewhat at random, but I found ..."
  • over 2 years ago01/23/22 at 10:19 pm (UTC)
"Thank you!"
  • over 2 years ago01/23/22 at 10:10 pm (UTC)
Karin Lorbeck added the course English conditionals
"This was my contribution to the challenge Using Dials to Navigate E-Learning Courses #355"
  • over 2 years ago01/22/22 at 10:17 pm (UTC)
Karin Lorbeck added the course Five easy-to-grow succulents
"This was my contribution to the challenge Animated Masking and Cutout Effects in E-Learning Design #356"
  • over 2 years ago01/22/22 at 9:55 pm (UTC)
"Very nice! Makes me appreciate living in San Diego with my two dogs :) I noticed that Michigan was highlighted for Madison, Wisconsin. I ..."
  • over 2 years ago01/22/22 at 8:52 pm (UTC)
"I remember the view-master. I love your recreation of it in Storyline! I could spend all day scrolling through the retro-looking pictures..."
  • over 2 years ago01/21/22 at 9:04 pm (UTC)
"Here's my contribution for this week: https://lorbeck-elearningchallenges.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/356/Animated+masking+-+Storyline+ou..."
  • over 2 years ago01/15/22 at 9:25 pm (UTC)
"I love how Articulate Super Heroes are so welcoming and supportive!"
  • over 2 years ago01/15/22 at 8:56 pm (UTC)
"Amazing! Is that a picture of you in the spaceship?"
  • over 2 years ago01/15/22 at 8:47 pm (UTC)
"Here's my contribution using a dial to explore different forms of conditional sentences in English. What conditional form is "If I partic..."
  • over 2 years ago01/13/22 at 12:21 am (UTC)
"Loved it!"
  • over 2 years ago12/20/21 at 7:09 pm (UTC)
"Being one to lean towards the neutral colors and themes, I stepped out of my comfort zone and went all in with the Amusements palette and..."
  • over 2 years ago12/20/21 at 7:04 pm (UTC)
"I happened to be working on a project today where the accordion feature came in handy. It's part of a larger project on the rules of pick..."
  • over 2 years ago12/15/21 at 5:20 am (UTC)
"Yes, I used a trigger that divided the Scene.ElapsedTime by 1000. Initially all that did was add a decimal point to the fast ticking time..."
  • over 2 years ago12/08/21 at 9:39 pm (UTC)
"Here is my submission for this week. I chose to use the Scene.ElapsedTime variable to track the time across several slides while the use..."
  • over 2 years ago12/07/21 at 11:07 pm (UTC)
"Fun activity and great way to use the timer!"
  • over 2 years ago12/07/21 at 10:54 pm (UTC)
"Here's an ESL vocabulary lesson using labeled graphics: https://eslnuggets.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/Beach+activities+-+Storyline+outpu..."
  • over 2 years ago11/18/21 at 8:48 pm (UTC)
"Hi! This is my first challenge submission ever and the first time anyone else sees a story I have created! I decided it is time to put my..."
  • almost 3 years ago10/16/21 at 3:00 am (UTC)