Creating Immersive Learning Experiences with 360° Images #467

Labeled graphics interactions are one of the most popular interactions because they’re easy to create and only need a single image to turn static visuals into interactive, explore-type activities. 

Similarly, 360° images offer the same ease of creation but on a whole new level. They bring static images to life, allowing learners to explore real-world environments as if they were actually there. And that’s what this week’s challenge is all about!

🏆 Challenge of the Week

This week, your challenge is to show how 360° images can be used in e-learning.

If you're a Rise 360, the 360° images feature is a fantastic way to enhance your courses by using Rise 360's Storyline blocks.

🏞️ Looking for 360° Panoramic Stock Photos? 

Storyline 360 supports equirectangular panoramas in all standard image formats for creating 360° image interactions. Here are some places you can find royalty-free images:

📸 360°Degree Cameras

Here are four of the most popular 360° cameras:

🧰 Resources

360° Images User Guide 


✨ Share Your E-Learning Work

  • Comments: Use the comments section below to link your published example and blog post.
  • Forums: Start a new thread and share a link to your published example.
  • Personal blog: If you have a blog, please consider writing about your challenges. We'll link to your posts so your great work gets even more exposure.
  • Social media: If you share your demos on Twitter or LinkedIn, try using #ELHChallenge so your tweeps can follow your e-learning coolness.

🙌 Last Week’s Challenge:

Before you take this week’s challenge for a spin, check out the accessibility makeovers your fellow challengers shared over the past week: 

13 Examples of Accessibility Makeovers in E-Learning #466

E-Learning Accessibility Makeovers RECAP #466: Challenge | Recap

👋 New to the E-Learning Challenges?

The weekly e-learning challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

Learn more about the challenges in this Q&A post and why and how to participate in this helpful article

📆 Upcoming Challenges

  • Challenge #468 (07.05): Drag-and-drop interactions. This will be a general drag-drop challenge, so you can share anything you like. 
Ange CM

Hi Jeni, Go to the latest challenge scroll down the page you will see a section named "Upcoming Challenges" with a date. On this page you will see this: "UPCOMING CHALLENGE Challenge #468 (07.05): Drag-and-drop interactions. This will be a general drag-drop challenge, so you can share anything you like." I believe there are no "close" dates, you can do any challenge at any time. They are added to the Recap overtime, not sure if that has a cutoff date. If you want feedback and the max. amount of people to see it posting within the first couple of days of the start date seems to work best. P.s. Something I often forget to do that. If you want to be updated on what is happening in a particular challenge you can subscribe to the challenge by clicking the Subscribe button at th... Expand

Jodi M. Sansone

My demo is inspired by our visit to the 123Farm in Cherry Valley, CA this week. It is lavender season in California, and although we are not the south of France, there are some wonderful lavender farms in the state. 123Farm is part of a historic landmark called the Highland Springs Resort. Einstein and Hemmingway would visit to enjoy the warm, dry air (seems like Hemmingway was everywhere). While at the farm I stepped into one of the newly built gift shops and the shop associate said "We just opened, and I'm learning about all the lavender, and where everything is, and how to get the sound system to work." My demo was born that minute. My challenge was to find a 360-lavender shop illustration to use. I couldn't find one so I tested AI. All the visuals in the demo are AI generated. The shop... Expand

Samuel Apata
eLearn Dev
Mallory Frazier
Ron Katz
Angela Thomas

I love admiring how people style their homes, but wouldn't put that as a skill high up on my own list. My husband and I just started thinking about moving, and I have been fascinated by how much the "stuff" in the listing images affects my opinion of the home. The inspiration for this challenge came from the open houses we checked out this weekend. *On a side note...turns out open houses are a pretty fun free date night! Thank you Jayashree and Elizabeth for the info on adding quiz questions! I hadn't done that before and went back and added a few in to try that out. Also, thank you everyone who has been sharing how they made their AI images. Looking forward to experimenting more with that. I decided to stick with a stock photo for this project. Luckily, I was able to find on... Expand

Trey McNabb