A big part of being an e-learning developer is creating quizzes. Choosing question types, writing plausible choices, crafting meaningful feedback—these all go into building a great quiz. When putting together your quizzes, you might have encountered a situation where you’ve wanted or needed to randomize the questions in your quizzes. Why randomize questions? Perhaps your subject matter expert (SME) has provided you with more questions than you actually need to test learners on, or you might want to ensure that the order of the questions is different every time learners take the quiz, to minimize cheating and keep it interesting. 

Whatever your reason for randomizing quiz questions, one simple and straightforward way to do so in Storyline 360 is to use question banks. Here are the steps you can follow to randomize questions in a bank:

Create a Question Bank

Your first step is to create the question bank. To do so, you’ll head to the slides tab on the Storyline 360 ribbon. There you’ll notice the Question Banks button with a small arrow pointing down, indicating there is a dropdown menu.

The Question Banks button is located under the slides tab on the ribbon.

Click the Question Banks dropdown and select Create Question Bank. Once you’re in the Question Bank view, you can either import existing questions you already have in your .STORY project, or you can create new questions from inside the question bank. 

Once you’ve got all your questions inside the bank,you can also easily set all of your attempts and points in one fell swoop. 

A question bank that has been populated with question slides. 

Keep in mind you can have multiple question banks within one Storyline 360 project. You might create one bank of easy questions and one bank with more advanced questions. Or you might have one bank of questions for customer service reps and a different set of questions banked for sales reps. You can have as many question banks in your project as you need.

Insert a Slide Draw

Once you’ve set up your question bank, the next step is to insert a slide draw into your project. The slide draw is the slide in your project that displays the question bank to the learner. To insert a slide draw, head to the Question Bank dropdown button once more and click New Draw from Question Bank. The slide draw is inserted into your project and has a question mark on it, as indicated in the image below:

Slide draw appears as a slide. 

Adjust Slide Draw Properties

You can now double-click on the slide draw slide you’ve just inserted to open up the Draw Questions from Bank window. 

From here, you can control all the settings for how the question bank will appear for learners. 

  • Question Bank dropdown. If you have multiple question banks, use the Question Bank dropdown field to select the question bank you want to pull from on this slide draw. 
  • Edit Question Bank. Click this to open the selected question bank and make changes to the questions and slides contained within it. 
  • Draw Questions Randomly. Ding! Ding! Ding! This is the option you will select if you want to randomize the order of your questions. 
  • Include X Questions dropdown. From this dropdown you can select “All” or specify the number of questions you want included in the draw. 
  • Include in Shuffle dropdown. This can be set to “Randomly,” “Never,” or “Always,” depending on how often you want a question to appear. 

Here’s an example of how I can customize my question bank settings: I want to create a question bank that randomly draws five of the seven questions included in my bank, but I always want Question A to be included. 

I would simply set the Include X Questions dropdown at “5” instead of “All,” and I would change the Include in Shuffle option for Question A to “Always.” 

These settings will randomly draw five questions from the bank. Question A will always be included in the shuffle.

Test Your Slide Draw

Once you’ve set up your slide draw with all the right options, you’ll want to preview the scene that your question bank is in to test it out and see how it all comes together. Run through your question bank a few times to ensure that the correct number of questions are drawn, and in a random, different order each time. 

Hopefully these simple steps will help you create your own randomized quizzes. If you want to learn more about using question banks, here are a few additional helpful articles:

Want to try something you learned here, but don’t have Articulate 360? Start a free 30-day trial, and come back to E-Learning Heroes regularly for more helpful advice on everything related to e-learning. If you have any questions, please share them in the comments.

Peter Brown
David Glow

I had a VERY cool hack with randomized questions and simulations. Simulations often covered several screens (questions) that were a coordinated set of click and text entry interactions. Let's say on average 4 steps. So, I would create Question Bank A with 12 questions (3 simulations of 4 questions each) and used the lock question order between the first, second, third and fourth question within each set. Then, in the question pull I would not to pull 4 questions randomly, but when the question was selected, it pulled one full set AND ensured the order was correct. Let me see if I can find a file I had for a demo of this. Random pulls are great- but random set pulls were gold. Allowed me to create 21 simulations (7 banks of unique questions with 3 variants in each) for high-st... Expand

Adam Zamczyk

In relation to random questions usually, it is useful to have the questions numbered (as it is a good practice to inform the learners where they are in the course). By default, this can't be easily done with randomised questions. I came up with a fairly easy solution for that, so no matter which question appears, the number is correct. I thought I will share it here. 1. we need to create 2 variables e.g. - QuestionNo and QuestionNo_Temp, default values '1'. 2. on the question base layer add trigger to Adjust the variable QuestionNo to match the QuestionNo_Temp. 3. on the submit button (if we dont have feedback layer and it takes learner to the next slide) or on the Continue button on the feedback layer (if we have feedback layers and we jump to the next from feedback layer)... Expand

Mary McGivern
David Glow

Hi Mary: It depends. But that is a good thing. If you have a bank of 45 questions and none of them are set up to be linked to each other to display in any order, then, the 45 questions will be displayed entirely randomly each time. Now, let's say in that question bank, you have 10 questions that are a scenario sequence that must be done in an order (let's say a software simulation). In that instance, any time any random question is pulled (say these are the first 10 questions in your bank and the bank pulls "question 3")- it understands that Q3 cannot be pulled unique from the set- so it will in that instance pull Questions 1-10 as part of the pull. So, there is a benefit, but this can cause a problem if you have a bank of 45 questions and want to pull 20. If your 20th "random... Expand

Mary McGivern

Thanks for your explanation. This really helps. Best Regards, Mary McGivern Sr. Instructional Designer | Project Manager Customer and Field Content Management M (505) 500-2336 omnicell.com [cidimage001.png@01D652FF.C05321A0] Confidentiality Notice: This electronic message contains information from Omnicell, Inc., and/or its affiliates, which may contain confidential information, and it is for the sole use of the intended recipient and is protected by all applicable laws relating to confidentiality and/or privacy. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of or reliance upon the content of this information is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by email to the sender or by telep... Expand

Valerie Mackey
Miguel Nieves