changing direction of label arrows in a guided image

Jul 13, 2011

Can this be done?  The way my grapic is set up I would like the arrows to come in from the left rather than the right.  Is this possible?

2 Replies
Brian Batt

Engage doesn't currently provide an option for changing the arrow shape, but that would make a great feature request.

As far as changing the arrow direction... Are you wanting the arrow to start on the label/image and then animate outward toward the detail info related to that label? If so, there isn't currently a way to do that. 

If on the other hand, you want to change just the placement of the image relative to the detail info, you could go into Interaction Properties > Guided Image and switch to "Place the image on the left." The arrows would then animate right-to-left but of course they'd still start on the detail info & animated toward the label/image.

Ari Avivi


thanks for the quick response. To add a bit more information I have an image that II have to leave it ther because for this project we have establihsed a look and feel guildeine that has all text on the left and all images on the right,  if it would be possible to have the arrow on the image, not from the label but just on the graphci and with the arrow on the image and the tail off to the left rather than the right it would make the graphic cleaner.

again, thanks for getting back.

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