Help! - Question about publishing

Dec 10, 2013

I am new to articulate Engage and have created a short presentation that I would like to be able to email to my co-workers and have them view remotely.  I have read some information online, but I can't seem to find an easy way to make this work.  I can't publish on the web, word doesn't allow the features that I need and publishing to a CD doesn't allow me to email the .exe file.  I appreciate any suggestions!!!

3 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Jami and welcome to E-Learning Heroes!

I was going to suggest the CD method, but looks like you've already tried that. Just curious, is it your mail server that's not allowing the .EXE file to go through? Are you zipping the files before emailing? If not, I would definitely recommend trying that. You'll need to zip the entire package. When users want to view the project, they'll need to extract the files from the ZIP file and then run the EXE file.

If that doesn't work for you, you could always try uploading to Tempshare. This is a free server we provide for testing projects. You can link to the upload and share it with others, but keep in mind that it will be automatically removed after 10 days. Also, we cannot officially support content on this server. 

Another option would be to check out Articulate Online. This is our hosting, tracking and reporting service. Articulate Online only supports content created in Articulate software (Storyline and Studio) and offers quite a few features that may help with your projects. Also,Articulate Online is available for a free 30 day trial – I would recommend trying it out and see if this is something that might work for you.


...or try zipping the file?

I had a similar issue a number of years ago trying to send a colleague course audio files. Attachments with extensions like MP3 or WAV were blocked at that time. I changed the extension to .old or .txt to fool the outlook filter and then my colleague changed the file extension back to what is was before trying to open it. Not the best solution, but it worked.

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